I'm Kevin Montañez, a university Electrical Engineering student here in Cebu, Philippines. As I told you before, I will get back to you if I have more questions.
Although you have recommended before to use NTC thermistor instead of fuse or diodes, but I am concerned that it will cost much than the diodes. These are my questions:
I am asking this so that by the time we will defend for our thesis, we could test it in front of the panel, sadly the school is not line-to-ground connected, and outlets don't have grounding connection.
2。How to test the varistor (MOV) to know if it really works? If it really absorb the surge voltage/current? Say for example, if a motor will be connected in our proposed outlet, it will require a large starting current. How to check if the varistor really absorbed it? What instruments do we need to conduct such testing?
4.我也很好奇,因为您建议您在使用NTC Thermistor之前使用NTC Thermistor,对于此类应用,Thermistor对Thermistor有何评级?如何测试它是否有效?
You really are a big help for our thesis and your blog and ideas are a great help as well especially for us students. Please do help us pass this subject.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge in Electrical Engineering! Gob bless you more!!!
Best regards,Kevin Montañez
Solving the Circuit Query
An MOV is designed to protect against instantaneous high voltage surges that may last for not more than a few nano seconds....for example if there's an instantaneous voltage spike of say 600 V for 3 nano seconds, the MOV will happily neutralize it by short circuiting it across the connected terminals.
To demonstrate how to test an MOV you would need a 600 V AC source derived by stepping up the domestic 220 V through an auto transformer, and make the circuit set up as shown in the diagram.
Circuit Setup
完美的图显示了一个桥接网络the 600 V AC to 700 V DC and this DC is then fired across the MOV circuit carrying a vulnerable 220 V, 10 watt lamp.
This is done through a 2uF/1KV capacitor in order to protect the MOV as it's not designed to handle sustained high surges.
Normally the connected lamp would instantly get burnt when subjected to this massive 700 V, but the experiment will hopefully show how the massive voltage is successfully absorbed and neutralized by the MOV saving the bulb's life.
An NTC can be selected as per its maximum voltage rating specs, this voltage rating will determine how much instantaneous high voltage the device is rated to restrict.
hello basit, you can use a 3v button cell and connect it across the leds, if the led lights up brightly you may assume it to be working otherwise not.
how to test mov either good or bad and how to check that mov continuity using digital multimeter
Thanks for your Email on topics about “How to Select MOV” posted on : 09 May 2016 02:15 AM PDT.
Sir, I make a ‘Android Mobile Charge Controller’ using IC MC34063 (DC12v to DC5v).
同样,我喜欢使用“ Poly Switch”(XF075)通过输出来保护负载。!!
So, how could I use that ‘POLY switch’ on Output to Limit the Current flow?
Thanks & best regards,
S. Imran。
Image Link:https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.bizcoco.com%2Fupload%2F20130616%2F0_75A_60V_Polyswitch_Resettable_fuse_Resettable.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fhotitem.bizcoco.com%2Fshow%2F1399310%2FPtc-Resettable-Fuse-Schematic-Symbol.html&docid=IHT2znW7BGqmaM&tbnid=GPiQV2xdAy7m3M%3A&w=800&h=640&bih=623&biw=1366&ved=0ahUKEwiE9LXx8ZLNAhUKQI8KHWUQBjUQMwg0KBMwEw&iact=mrc&uact=8
你只需要把它与积极o系列r the negative supply line of your power supply for the intended protection…..but make sure to use the correctly rated device so that it trips at the right over current specification
Hi sir
I am akram,a university student from sri lanka.. first i would like to thank you for the excellent work of publishing articles and helping out students.
Sir. i need to develop a surge arrestor monitoring device which measure surge currents and when it about to reach its maximum capacity, the device should give signal to remote pc.basically a surge counter
pls help me with this project sir
many thanks
best regards
Akande, there’s no easy way to test it, a bad MOV can be shorted internally or open….the above explained set up can be tried